IPAF (International Powered Access Federation) is a non-profit organization that provides training and certification for the safe use of mobile personnel lifting platforms (MEWP).
To verify an IPAF certification, follow these steps:
1. Ask the individual to provide you with their IPAF Powered Access License (PAL). This card is an official document containing information about the training and certification of the holder.
2. Check the validity of the IPAF PAL Card online via the IPAF website (https://www.ipaf.org/es/verificar-la-tarjeta-pal). To do so, enter the PAL card identification number, the cardholder’s first and last name, and date of birth.
3. If the PAL card is valid, you’ll see the cardholder’s information, including their name, carrier category, and card expiration date.If you have any questions or need more information, you can contact IPAF directly through their website or by email at [email protected]